So, when I began my application process with Mercy Ships (MS) in March I got delayed. I'm not sure if it was just that I was busy or if Satan was trying to distract me from the Lords plan. I knew that I needed to get my application, not because I planned on leaving right away, but because there was an information/introduction seminar in Texas the first week of June. April came around and I told them that I was planning on coming to Foundations of Mercy Ships (FMS) in June and they reminded me that I needed to get my application in. After two or three weeks of getting references, answering essays and getting a doctors physical I sent in my application for a General Steward position. Which might be slightly hard to describe, it doesn't cover a certain area on the ship, but it works with the Crew Services, Dinning Room, Galley, and Hospitality Departments and fills in where needed. At that time I told them I would be available any time after June, because that was 3 months away and I new things could be in place for me to leave if the opportunity arose. Friday, May 20th I got a phone call from the International Operations Center (IOC) and was told me that they had received my application. It was going through the different departments that filter through them, but they wanted to tell me about a position coming available in July. They told me that they had a cooks position and a general steward that would be opening up the middle to end of July, somewhere around July 18th. My placement facilitator wanted me to pray about the positions and let them know at FMS if I would accept the position. I agreed to that and began praying about my position with MS.
Friday, June 3rd I left work and took a flight to Dallas. I took the opportunity of being in Texas to visit my best friends Casey & Lacie Allen. I was very excited for several reasons. 1.) It was my first time off of work since starting at the club since Feb of 2010. 2.) The Lord had cleared that week off of the vacation calendar at work months in advance. 3.) My friend Casey had left for boot camp in January and I hadn't seen him since that time. 4.) At FMS I would be learning a lot about MS and meeting other people that would be serving on the ship. 5.) Most of all I knew I was right were God wanted me, and nothing feels better than that. After spending the weekend relaxing and reconnecting with my friends I drove to Lindale. I began meeting people right away as I moved into my room and we met for a tour of the campus. The IOC has a very nice campus, previously owned by other Christain organizations.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were cram-packed full of information. We had classes all day from 8 AM till 5PM with a break for lunch in the middle. There was so much information that they supplied us with a binder full of papers to follow along with. They taught us so much that I could make a blog entry about each different day. I will just summerize it by days:
- Tuesday: Learning about MS- the principles that they stand behind. Their mission, vision & strategic initiatives.
- Wednesday: Learning about the Africa Mercy (AFM)- living on a ship, community living, programs delivered by the AFM. Transitioning from where we were (home/work/family/church/country) to where we will be(home/work/family/church/country) and Staff Development. Personal Interviews with our facilitators
- Thursday: Financial support: Is it Biblical. How much should I budget. How to tell others my story.
- Friday: How to keep in contact with those supporting us: Social Networking, Support Letters, Phone Contact, Church Support, Blogging and the Crewmates Program. Personal Interviews with the FinACE department.
On Tuesday after they had met and began to interact with me they asked if I would be interested in working with the sales department. I told my facilitator that I was much of a salesman and she explained to me more about the sales department. On the ship, because there are 400 people that live on it, they have a community area (midships) were there is a convenience store (the Ship Shop), a library, a coffee bar, meeting areas, and a snack bar. Working in sales I would be part of the team that runs these areas. As I like to say sales is being "a missionary to the missionaries". Serving them in their time off so that they can better work in whatever department they do to serve Christ. That sounded very interesting to me being able to serve the different people on the ship. They had noticed that my personality would make a good fit in this area. I told them that I would be glad to serve in that capacity. Then Emily told me that there was a girl working in that position, she would be transferring to the hospital because she actually had medical training. Because of that they asked me if I would be able to move my start date to Monday July 11. I told them yes, if God was going to supply my needs to be ready on the 18th, I was sure a week earlier would be no problem for Him. At that time there were 34 days before I would be arriving to the AFM!!!!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!! I was so pumped!
While I was in the classes and in the evenings I got to know some people that were interested about MS and many that I would be serving with while on the AFM. It was a great joy to meet them. Knowing that they had the same heart as I do(serving the forgotten poor in West Africa).
At this point, one week from now I will be on the Africa Mercy in Sierra Leone. I'll be leaving on Sunday around noon. Please keep me in your prayers as I get my Malaria pills, pack, and say goodbye to my dear friends and family.