Today is the third time that I've been away from home on Easter. Once in Boston and once in New York while I was in college, but today I traveled all over the world. At the end of the service this morning they had every language present proclaim "Christ is Risen!" It was amazing to hear it in 23 different languages. Here are a few to give you a gimps.
Kristus er opstanden!
Christus is verrezen!
Le Christ est ressuscité!
Christus ist auferstanden!
Χριστός Ανέστη!
Críost ardaigh!
Kristus er oppstanden!
Cristo Ressuscitou!
¡Cristo ha resucitado!
Kristus är uppstånden!
After the service for the crew I went down to the Ward Service that they have for the hospital. You can take a listen while seeing a picture from the Sunrise Service.