Learning to lose control, build trust and grow my faith in God.
The last post I talked about calling and I feel like God has me here for now. I still believe that's true, but everyday I long more and more to serve with Mercy Ships again. I think this is why Trust keeps reoccurring in my thoughts.
I think about how I came alive while on the Africa Mercy. It seemed as though God had shaped me for that place. Of course everyday wasn't perfect. No place is perfect this side of eternity, but I feel like when God formed me He had Mercy Ships intended for me. I decided to conclude my service with Mercy Ships because I wanted to be obedient to what the Lord wanted. He told me it was time to go, didn't say for how long or why, just that my time was over for now.
It hit me again when I opened up my blog to type this today. I looked at the heading that I made over a year ago. I put it up a few paragraphs ago. "Learning to lose control, build trust and grow my faith in God."
Working at Glorieta has been good. I can see that God is working here, but it's different. This is where I'm lacking. Maybe the Lord is just building up my trust in Him. Something that I asked for before I ever knew that I would be in New Mexico.
I'm asking for your prayers and encouragement as I seek the Lord, for what He has for me. Would you pray that I would seek to serve God in the place that He want's, weather it be here in New Mexico, somewhere else or with Mercy Ships again.
I would like to return to the ship next year. I hate to think that this is my idea, but God's plan. Initial details of returning to the ship would be dependent on the positions that are open. Working with ordering, inventory & logistics in the Supply or Hospital Department are positions that I would be aiming for.