Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cliché New Years Post

I'm find myself looking at so many updates on Facebook and talking to people in person and hearing the same cliché things about New Years.  I want to spend more time with family, I want to loose weight, I want to get healthy, I want to get that new job this year.  Even in church today there was speak about starting things in a different fashion and getting things started off right.

I don't necessarily want to make fun of those things, many of them are true and noble concepts.  At this time as I'm looking back over the past year I just want God to continue what He is doing in my life.  I find myself in a place that I never could have imagined this time last year.  To limit myself to the idea of where I will be at this time next year limits what I allow God to do in my life in these next 12 months.  As I was looking over my end of the year letter from 2010 I saw an amazing statement.

 "I still live at home, but maybe I'll venture out this year.
Let's see what God has in store for 2011"

As it turns out I found out about an amazing missions opportunity of living on a ship a helping the forgotten poor of West Africa.  I applied in the spring and by July I was on a ship in Sierra Leone.  The concept of quitting my job, saying goodbye to many great people at home, packing my life into two suitcases and moving onto a ship of all places never crossed my mind this time last year.  To limit myself to better love,  health and friendships would have prevented God allowing what He wanted in my life.

Today I challenge you to see what God has in store for you. Seek Him on a daily basis to get that journey started.

As for me I'm planning on returning to the M/V Africa Mercy in July on a long-term basis.  The first year in Conakry, Guinea and then only God knows where after that. besides that "Let's see what God has in store for 2012!!!"

With that I leave you with my favorite picture from Sierra Leone.
Reminds me of so many patients wh thought they were alone with their afflictions.