Yesterday I took some time to get out of the city and enjoy the afternoon. I've always loved getting away from the normal scene at home. For me going on a drive or hike was some time to re-energize and enjoy the the beauty of God's creation. Then it was just part of what I did when I got a chance. Now, after being on the ship for a decent amount of time, I realize that it is one of the ways that God speaks to me. Not verbally, but just being out by myself I could see God and get a small glimpse of all that He is.
Capturing some good photos allows me to look back and reflect on those moments. Through some training I've learned that your worldview can be compared to a pair of glasses. It's the filter that you use to look at the world. Taking pictures reminds me of this. We can be at a special event or looking at a beautiful person and be in the situation, but when you look at a picture of the event or person things look so different. Some time soon take a few minutes or even an afternoon if you get a chance and try to look at things from a different perspective. Get away, that could be stepping outside the office for a few minutes or finding a place to go on a hike, and see what God has to say to you in that moment.