This week half of the group is doing Basic Safety Training while the other half is doing Foundations of Mercy Ships. I'm in the group doing BST and we're learning the basics of safety on the ship. Monday and today we covered fire.

Different classes of fire, different types of fire extinguishers, how to prevent fires and other things before we went out in the field and actually wore fire protective gear and breathing apparatus to put out real fires.
We got to use different extinguishers, put out 3 different types of fire. and use our breathing masks a couple of time.

The class started at 6:00 so we could beat the heat and we finished early enough to get a shower before lunch. This afternoon we went back and I got a fabulous 84% on the test.

Tomorrow we will be talking about first aid and other basic safety principles. Then Thursday and Friday we will be talking about water safety and ocean survival skills. Followed by practice at a local pool.

Hope you enjoy the pictures! That's me "Big Blue", I'll be posting more after Friday and maybe introducing some fellow Gateway people.