"When it comes to our interactions with others, does your curiosity about how people are responding to your most recent Facebook status trump your curiosity about what’s going on in the life of the friend you’re meeting for coffee? Does the urgent buzzing of your phone trump the urgency of the very real world that’s carrying on, all around you?"
Earlier in the morning I had went through Psalm 119 and wrote out a 36 different descriptions of God, one for each person in our group (wherever it describes scripture use it as a way to describe God). I got to verse 111 and it says "Your testimonies are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart." Most people know that I'm a very joyful person, so as I wrote out the little references I asked that after I passed them out to everybody that verse 111 would be left for me. After giving my little speech about being all there I gave out the notes for people to use as a reference when they found themselves not being all there. God could help them along in their situation. When the basket got back to me I picked up the last one and opened it to find vs. 111 "Joy of my heart". I keep that little note on the wall next to my bed. Reminds me of many things.
#1 God will do things when you ask Him.
#2 He can be the source of your joy.
#3 Wherever you are, be all there.