Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day #4

This month to celebrate Thanksgiving I'm going to be posting everyday telling what I'm thankful for.

Day #4 

  Today I am thankful for my Bible reading plan. Since I've been on board the Africa Mercy I've been reading through the Bible chronologically. Where you read the events of the Bible as they occurred in time. For example the book of Job is integrated with Genesis because Job lived before Abraham.

After I get some insight from Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest I look and see what the next section is to read. I've already read.163 days through a one-year plan. On my accelerated rate I hope to finish the Old testament before I get home at Christmas.

I would encourage everybody to do it. When I was in college I tried reading the Bible straight through and got stuck at Isaiah. I think the plan that I'm using really gives things a different perspective. If your interested there's a link below and a few others to look at if you're interested.
Here is a link to the guide I'm using.

Back to the Bible has multiple to choose from
Other Reading Guides